If you love the idea of going plant-based, but you feel...

- overwhelmed

- unsure how to get all the nutrients you need *and* meet your health and fitness goals

...or maybe you've tried going plant-based before and just didn't feel like you were really thriving

The answer:

Thriving on a Plant Based Diet

- Learn how to meet your nutritional needs

- Cut through the nutrition overwhelm and misinformation

- Feel confident creating plant-based meals to help you thrive

What You'll Learn

In this brief but important module, we'll get clear on your 'why', get inspired and learn how to avoid common mistakes.
Before we get into the nitty gritty, together we'll unpack the importance of a healthy mindset, how to truly enjoy your food plus any mindset red flags to look out for along your nutrition journey.
Learn how to replace animal products in a way that meets your nutritional requirements *AND* tastes amazing.
A deep dive into the foundations of plant-based nutrition, you'll leave this module with an understanding of all the key nutrients of focus and how to create balanced meals to hit your requirements.
This module is a vibe!! The fun and inspiring part of the course, here we take all the nutrition science and break it down into actionable steps to live your best plant-based life. Here we cover organisation, meal prepping, pantry essentials, vegan food hacks and creating your own meal plans to energise you and thrive.
There's a lot of misinformation on socials and here we debunk the facts from the fads so you have the confidence to rebut any of those annoying questions at family dinners!
Finally, we finish the course with a little taster week of eating to get you excited about all the foodie possibilities on a plant-based diet and inspired to make your own custom meal plan.

We know you might be thinking...

- I know nutrition is important, but I'm so busy, I just don't have the time right now
- I've tried going plant-based before and it didn't work for me
- Would improving my diet actually make a difference in my life?
- I don't want to spend half my Sunday meal prepping
- How would I get enough protein and calcium?
- I don't think I could ever give up cheese!

...but this is where Thriving on a Plant Based Diet comes in

- I know nutrition is important, but I'm so busy, I just don't have the time right now

We 100% get it - life is hectic! Our approach is no-fluff - only the essentials you need to know to THRIVE, broken down into bite-size (pardon the pun) video lessons that you can watch or listen to on-the-go!

- I've tried going plant-based before and it didn't work for me

If you've struggled on a plant-based diet in the past, it could be because you weren't nourishing your body in the right way. If you feel called to this lifestyle then know that there *is* a way to do so that is healthy and sustainable. We give you the essential knowledge and practical steps to not only feel incredible but have fun!

- Would improving my diet actually make a difference in my life?

...um in a word - YES! Nailing your nutrition and making food work for you is an essential pillar to long term health. Imagine everything you could accomplish if you felt energised, confident, excited and nourished each day?!

- I don't want to spend half my Sunday meal prepping

Omg and neither do we! Who wants to be stuck in the kitchen when drinks, movies and dinners are calling? A little bit of planning goes a long way and there are so many convenient and easy ways to make delicious plant-based eats that don't force you into a rigid time schedule or take over your life. We'll teach you our best time-saving hacks to make food that tastes incred and keeps you fuelled.

- How would I get enough protein and calcium?

We get it, most of us have been told our whole lives that the only way to get calcium and protein is from meat and dairy - BUT it is actually completely possible to meet all our macro and micronutrient requirements on a well planned plant-based diet. Nina breaks it all down for us, using her expertise as an accredited nutritionist so we aren't missing out on a single thing!

- I don't think I could ever give up cheese!

...so don't!! Keep cheese (our whatever foods you love) and simply opt for a predominantly plant-based diet. You'll still reap a heap of health benefits by adding in extra veggies, legumes and grains into your diet. We believe that you shouldn't have to conform to a label - food is personal and this is your journey. You do you!

Here's a little sneak peek inside

A glimpse of some of the 5+ hours of video lessons

Hey! 👋 We're Liz and Nina

  • Content creators
  • Foodies
  • Plant-based

We met on Instagram and realised we were both on the same mission – to help people eat more plant-based meals in a non-judgey, fun, healthy and balanced way!

Although we both have the same goal, we have two very different backgrounds...

Nina’s an Accredited Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist (BHSc) plus:

- A CrossFit coach

- Born in Switzerland

- Lives in sunny Western Australia

- Type 1 diabetic

- Self-confessed science nerd

- Content creator @naturally_nina_

“I just wanted to say thank you endlessly again for everything you have done for me, opening my eyes and showing me how important it is to fuel and look after your body properly, teaching me how to fall in love with food again and finding my own passion as well."

~ Jorja, Australia

Liz on the other hand is a former supermarket food buyer and product developer, turned vegan home cook who is now:

- A foodie content creator @vegandiaries___

- A podcaster (host of Thrive Diaries)

- Self-help and coffee addict

- Real Housewives binge-watcher

One similarity we share is struggling with our relationships with food in the past. Although both of us chose to go vegan for ethical reasons, we didn’t have the right nutrition information to do it in a healthy way at the start...

Liz was either overeating and drinking... or starting a new diet. When she finally went plant-based, she had messed around with so many diets she had no idea how to fuel her body, because she'd only ever cared about 'calories in calories out.' It wasn’t until she learnt the fundamentals of plant-based nutrition and figured out how to implement it in her daily life (after a lot of trial and error) that she began to feel my best. 

Meanwhile Nina, in recovery from an eating disorder, was drawn to the vegan 'extremes' and trends from influencers and health gurus. She thought that to be a healthy vegan, she had to eat very low fat and oil free, salt free, sugar free, mostly raw, whole foods only... when she let go of this 'eating clean and whole foods only' obsession, her physical and mental health improved massively. 

We want to help others avoid the same traps we fell into and empower them with the principles of a well-balanced diet

Which is why we now teach YOU everything we wish we'd known when we first went plant-based


- 5+ hours of pre-recorded video lessons from Liz and Nina (valued at $750)
- 44 lessons divided across 7 modules
- PDF downloads of key lessons (valued at $50)
- Digital workbook for reflection and to accelerate your learning (valued at $30)
- Nutritional cheatsheets (valued at $30)

VALUE: $860

...plus, you get these AMAZING BONUSES


- Basics & Alternatives Ebook - a collection of 10 of Liz's favourite pantry staple recipes and easy go-to meals
- Meal Planning Templates - daily, weekly and monthly options
- Vegan Staples Ebook - a collection of Nina's nutritionist approved recipes you can instantly add to your own meal plan
- Plant-Based Pantry Essentials Guide - Liz's ultimate list of essentials for a well-stocked vegan kitchen
- Food Jail Ebook by Stephanie Georgiou - psychologist's self-help guide to overcoming disordered eating patterns and binge eating

VALUE: $120

Choose a Pricing Option

Who is this course for?

You're new to plant-based eating or love the idea of going plant-based but don't know where to start (and maybe you want to keep a few animal products in your diet... no judgement here!!)
...OR you are already plant-based but just don't feel like you are thriving and need some general nutritional guidance
You want to feel completely nourished and energised by your diet
You want to know how to create your own meal plans and proactively manage your nutrition to meet your own health and fitness goals
You want to enjoy delicious food, and learn how to make a plant-based lifestyle work for you holistically
You don't suffer from any complex health conditions and can apply general nutrition advice to your life
You enjoy the convenience of self-paced learning and don't require 1:1 coaching
You want to learn about nutrition from a place of abundance and enjoy food without restriction, calorie counting or a focus on weight loss
✅ You're busy and want to learn quick and easy meal solutions

❌ You have been plant-based for a long time and feel confident you are on top of your nutritional requirements
❌ You're looking for a weight loss program
❌ You are looking for calorie-set meal plans
❌ You have complex health conditions and need a detailed individual program
❌ You are looking for a 1:1 accountability or nutrition coach
❌ You are looking for an advanced plant-based nutrition course
❌ You are looking for a course that deep dives into mindset and helping with disordered eating patterns
❌ You want a course on plant-based culinary skills or want detailed cooking tutorials

Upon enrollment, you'll immediately have access to all course content, including:


Here's a look at the curriculum:

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resources & Downloads
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Basics
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Nutrition Basics
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Putting it Into Practice
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  7 Day Example Meal Plan
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently asked questions:

I'm not sure if I want to go fully plant-based, is this course still right for me?

YES! We believe you shouldn't have to conform to anybody else's dietary labels and if you want to keep a few animal products in your diet that is TOTALLY FINE. The course is the perfect introduction to a plant-forward diet and you'll still reap a heap of health benefits if you're adding more veggies, wholegrains and plant-protein into your diet.

I'm super busy right now, how much time do I need to commit to the course?

We get it, life is hectic!! We have a no-fluff approach and know you're busy so we have broken everything down so it's as bite-size as possible. All up there's about 5 hours of video content, but most lessons are only around 5-10 minutes, with a couple of longer ones around the 20-30 minute mark. This way it's easy to squeeze your learning into your day - watch a little in the morning, listen on your commute or play them while you're at the gym or cooking dinner.

The course is also entirely self-paced, so you can get through it on your schedule and is made up of 7 modules. Our suggestion is you complete 1-2 modules a week. The first two modules on Getting Clear and Mindset are quite brief, and then there are some meatier modules (pardon the pun) like Nutrition Basics and Putting it Into Practice which will take a little more time to digest (ahhh another pun, sorry! haha).

I'm not really a nutrition person, will this course be super science-y?

Noooo! Nina is our in house nutrition-science-girl and she is here to break it down keeping it fun, simple and super actionable.

I've just started exercising and training again, and I want to review my nutrition. Is this the right course for me?

ABSOLUTELY, this would be the perfect time to review and optimise your diet. Nailing your nutrition is key to meeting training goals. All the info inside the course is going to help but we also have a dedicated meal-planning lesson for active individuals, as well as a separate lesson on protein requirements for athletes.

I've just gone vegan but I'm not sure I'm getting the balance right food-wise. Is this course a good fit?

Ahhh this was us when we first went plant-based! Thriving on a Plant Based Diet is the perfect beginner introduction to nutrition and you will leave with all the essential knowledge and actionable steps to make sure you not only get the balance right but feel INCREDIBLE eating plants.

I'm not a great cook! Will this course still help me?

Absolutely! Our tips and strategies are around building simple, nourishing meals that anybody can make, even if you don't love cooking. Plus, Liz breaks down all the essentials you'll need in your pantry and a bunch of time-saving hacks to make incredible tasting food with minimal time and effort.

Is the course only for people who want to be super-healthy and fit?

The course is for anybody who wants to eat more plant-based, regardless of their health and fitness goals. It's designed to give you all the knowledge and tools you need to make your diet work for you. Whether you work in an office, don't have much time for exercise, are a busy mum on her feet all day or if you're at the gym every morning - on completing the course, you will have the tools to create a diet that works for you.

Is this a cooking course?

Not really, no. Thriving on a Plant Based Diet is primarily a nutrition course, however we do cover all the practical tips of putting this into action. We have lessons like how to stock a vegan pantry, effortless vegan meal ideas, build-a-bowl and our formula for creating delicious, healthy plant-based meals.

Is this a 'How to Go Vegan' course?

The course is primarily focused on nutrition and the actionable steps to make plant-based living easy and fun. We don't go into the ethics side of things, but do provide you with all the practical tools you need to thrive as a vegan. This would be the perfect course if you're looking for a How to Go Vegan nutrition and cooking basics course.

Is the course live?

No, the course is completely self paced and is made up of detailed but succinct pre-recorded video lessons from Nina and Liz. Plus it includes a digital workbook, PDF downloads of key lessons, nutritional cheatsheets, plus a further resources guide with useful tips and links.

Do you accept all currencies?

We do! The course price is in US dollars but when you purchase it, this will convert to your currency.

This is a global course, so we have students all over the world.

Do you offer refunds?

We are 100% confident you are going to LOVE this course and this will be the last thing on your mind, but please note that due to the nature of this digital product, we do *not* offer refunds. Please consider this before purchasing.

When does the course start?

It starts the moment you hit JOIN! You’ll get instant access to all seven modules and all the bonuses too.

How long will I have access to the course for?

You’ll get LIFETIME access to Thriving on a Plant Based Diet, including any future updates that may be made to course material and bonuses.

This means you can rewatch the trainings and tips inside whenever you need a refresher.

I still have some more questions, who can I contact?

We'd love to answer them! Shoot an email to [email protected].